New Street Baptist Church

Want to support the ministry at New Street Church? 


At New Street Church we recognise that everything we have comes from God and that He has given us the responsibility of looking after and stewarding our possessions.

With that in mind, we encourage those who call our church their home to give regularly and generously in proportion to their income to support the work that God has given our community to do. We all want to play our willing part in giving to the work of New Street because God has been abundantly generous to us.

We only ask that you do not to give out of a sense of obligation or pressure because the Bible teaches us to give generously and cheerfully out of what we have been given.

If you are facing a difficult time, please feel free to ask for prayer or someone to talk to if you are struggling at the moment.



We are truly grateful for your donation and hope the convenience and simplicity of online giving will be helpful to you. You can use this donation form to quickly and easily give online:


You can also support the ministry and work of New Street, and if you are a tax payer we can increase your gift by re-claiming a further percentage from the Goverment. If you wish to do this and support us regularly, please download the Stewardship Form, complete it and post it to: Stewardship, 1 Lamb’s Passage, London EC1Y 8AB.